Saturday, April 16, 2016

Limping Horse

A nobleman’s prized racehorse began to limp for no apparent reason.

Veterinarians who were called found nothing wrong with the leg no fracture, no sprain and no soreness and they were baffled.

The nobleman finally consulted a sage, a man known for his wisdom.

“Has anything changed for the horse in the last few months?” he asked.

“I changed his trainer a few weeks ago,” said the nobleman.

“Does the horse get on well with his new trainer?” the sage asked.

“Very well! In fact, he’s devoted to him.” said the nobleman.

“Does the trainer limp?” the sage asked.

“Uh… yes, he does.” said the nobleman.

“The reason for the horse’s limp is clear,” said the sage. “He’s imitating his handler. We all tend to imitate those whom we admire. The company we keep has a great influence on us.”

The nobleman put the horse in the charge of another trainer and the horse soon stopped limping.

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